A line of VCT that makes sense in today’s world requiring smart choices: the right colorways, oversized natural formats, improved inventory management and more sustainable maintenance options.
Fox Flooring VCT was created to offer the market a product line that addressed the needs of the market today, not of the past.
Not too many colors, just the right colors.
Colorways that coordinate not just with existing standards, but also timeliness for tomorrow’s projects.
A 21st century maintenance system that not only lowers use of chemicals, water and electricity, but also reduces lifecycle costs.
Foundations & Replica: Vinyl Composition Tile
See the collection.

Low maintenance, high style.
Two dynamic product lines: Foundations™ and Replica™
Fox Flooring delivers high-quality, durable flooring that meets the challenges of demanding commercial applications such as healthcare and education, with designs and colorways that are on trend. Both products have an industry-leading recycled content—70% post consumer and 10% pre consumer.
See the flooring.
Maintain with NeverStrip® Micron technology
Fox Flooring VCT, when maintained with the NeverStrip micron system, can significantly reduce initial and lifecycle costs. It eliminates stripping, reduces burnishings by up to 50% and requires no special training for your crews.
Learn more about how NeverStrip can save time and money.